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Business Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2022

The meeting was opened by president Mike V.  There were 17 members and 4 guests present and we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Secretary Tom read the minutes of the August 2nd meeting.  It was approved by Roy H., seconded by Jim O. and passed.

Gil read the treasurer’s report. We had income of $189 and expenses of $114, so we have $5503 in the money market.  We have some bills to pay:  $400 to Ukura’s, $102 to Mike for supplies, and $128 to Hedi for a ticket machine.  Jim motioned to approve and Ed W. seconded both the treasurer’s report and the paying of the new bills.  The residents of Carefree Living sent us a thank-you for our leftovers of food.  They enjoyed them for “National Hot Dog Day”.

Old business: 

Diane will be coming next month to speak about quilting.

We’d like to thank Ed, Jim, Sam, and Mike V. for the work on the windows.  Sealing them up was quite difficult but we still have more work on them. The spring mechanisms are broken on some and are difficult to work with.  Maybe we could get a window company like a one in Brainerd that deals with Anderson Windows to look at the problems.  Aitkin Glass won’t come because they claim it’s too far.

Also need to promote usage of the hall; $75 per use but township residents can use it one time free curtessy of the township.  Our furnace/AC costs can then be recovered.

Had a long discussion on attendance at our events and our meetings.  The serving of food is more restricted today than it used to be but we still are licensed to have up to 10 events with food per year.

Decided to have the Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, 10/8 at 8-11 AM.  An ad will be put in the Voyageur Press.

New Business:

Need to outline next year’s events.  The state needs to know the dates for permit purposes.

We tentatively decided on 2 pancake breakfasts, a community day after the school ends, a possible spaghetti dinner, and of course the annual Hunter’s Supper.  There will be more discussion on this in the coming meetings.

Motion to adjourn made by Roy H., seconded by Mary.

By Secretary Tom M.

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