October 4, 2022
The meeting was opened by president Mike V. There were 18 members and 6 guests present and we all recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guest speaker Corrine Oja Hanson then spoke on Veteran’s Quilts that their
organization gives to surprised veterans. These nice quilts are honorably
given to veterans that have served their state or country in any service branch
whether they served overseas or not.
Secretary Tom read the minutes of the September 6th meeting. It was approved, seconded, and passed.
Gil read the treasurer’s report. We had income of $114 and expenses were $630, so we have $4987 in the money market. The report was approved by Aileen, seconded by Jim, & passed unanimously. We have some bills to pay: Tamarack Pest control, North Star Mutual, and Mike for supplies. It was motioned to approve and Ed W. seconded the paying of the new bills.
Old business:
For the upcoming pancake breakfast, Matt will be coming Friday to bring supplies and to get the meat & batter ready for Saturday morning. In the morning several others will start the pancakes & meat. Flyers were distributed and an ad is being placed in the Voyageur Press. It was decided that advance signs along the highway aren’t effective but a sign by the road by the hall will work.
Jr. & Tom will make the 180 mile round from Moose Lake to Aitkin to distribute flyer’s at about 35 businesses and try & get door prizes from many of them. Al Ammala usually asks for prizes in the immediate McGregor area.
We will be having a bake sale at the Mojakka dinner. Bake sales usually make quite a bit of money. Will also have a silent auction. Members are encouraged to bring some good items for sale. Also some of the more elaborate door prizes can be put into the silent auction like we did last year.
Jim made a motion to charge the same for the dinners as last year at $10, $5 for age 6-12, and free under 6. Ed seconded it and it passed. Even if we don’t make much on the Mojakka, we have a silent auction, bake sale, and now even a raffle to generate income. We will try and sell any remaining raffle tickets at the entrance door. We still need to get an MC to announce door prizes.
Hedi motioned to have the club pay for the breads & pies and not have the members pay $10 each like we did last year; seconded by Jim and passed. Now that no members can cook breads or pies to bring, it used to be that members that don’t cook were sort of like fined $10 each.
New Business:
Aileen motioned to have our Christmas Party at Jack’s Shack. It was seconded & passed.
There was a discussion on having the hall open all winter now that the sewer system has been fixed. However our hall caretaker will be gone for the winter so someone else will be needed. Will need to discuss more later.
Mike V. made a motion to bring Christmas gifts worth around $10 for Carefree Living residents like we did last year. Jim O. seconded and it passed.
Motion to adjourn made by Jim O., seconded by Ed.
By Secretary Tom M.