December 6, 2022
Before the
Christmas Party meal at Jack’s Shack we had a business meeting at noon opened
by president Mike V. We all recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 18
people in attendance.
Bob motioned to
have club pay for the meals, Sam seconded it, & it passed.
Secretary Tom
read the minutes of the November 1st meeting. It was approved by Roy
and seconded by Bob P and passed unanimously.
Gil read the
treasurer’s report. We had 120 eaters pay at the Hunters Supper which is up considerably
from last year (82). We had very little Mojakka left; the excess was given
away along with a few slices of bread. The following is the revenue and
expenses for the Hunters Supper rounded to nearest dollar:
$ 1225 Sales at door
0 Extra donations
0 Member contributions in lieu of food
403 Auction
453 Bake Sale
$ 2081 Total revenue
$ 316 Food from Big Dollar & Bakery
111 Misc. expenses
$ 427 Total expenses
$ 798 Profit from food
$ 1654 Profit from combined food, auction, & bake sale
$ 2930 Net from raffle ticket sales
$ 288 Ticket expenses
1000 Prize money given
$ 1642 Profit from raffle
So the total
Hunters Supper event profit was $3296. We now have $8956 in the bank account.
Our new member, John Benson, made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report.
Roy seconded it and it passed.
Sam motioned to
pay our bills, seconded by Jim and passed. This included paying $500 to Darla
for the year’s custodial work on the building.
Old business: We
discussed more on bake sales, pancake breakfasts, and spaghetti suppers.
New business:
Jim motioned to give $500 to the ANGELS, Roy seconded, & it passed. Linda H.
motioned to give $250 to the McGregor Food Shelf, Mary seconded, & it
passed. Mike W. motioned to give $500 to Lakeside Quilters who made quilts for
veterans, Bob P. seconded, & it passed.
Mary motioned
to charge $100 for hall rent if used during the winter (Jan. – March), seconded
by Jim.
$50 would go to
the club and $50 to caretaker(s).
The kitchen
countertop needs fixing and we need a hand washing sink.
adjourned by Bob P, seconded by Jim O.
By Secretary
Tom Maijala